December 23, 2008


tempering the prophetic personality requires living through the tension of a malleable universe. the honed voice recognizes that thoughts create things. at the same time, a reality which one can change instantly results in pure white noise - a flux devoid of content. patience represents the revelation that God's love produced time as a gift to the artist. time provides the artist with boundaries, without which finite children are lost against the surround of the eternal. we may envision within the heart a distinct reality, but time allows the vision to pass through our physical bodies - allows it to affect the external reality without creating discontinuity. in this way, we are like our Maker - who said "let us make humans in Our image" and then did. we cannot escape the sense of thenness if we are to remain in God's image. if the vision seems slow, wait for it, it will not be late. be patient, for humankind can only bear so much reality.

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